Synthesis: The Grand Finale
Sonia Jolliffe CEP 818 WHITE PAPER: A CALL FOR CREATIVITY IN THE CLASSROOM In a world that is rapidly changing, evolving and presenting...
Creative "I": Architecture of Space
The article “A Room of their own” documents the ways in which spaces are adapted and reordered by the people who use them. It advocates...
Playing: A Lost Art
We built a ship upon the stairs All made of the back-bedroom chairs, And filled it full of soft pillows To go a-sailing on the billows....
Creative "I" Part 2: Variations on a Theme
The Hendrickson and Mishra article on creativity provided an echo of an idea that arose during my interview with Bev McCarthy for the...
Modeling: Unfolding Foreshadowing in Literary Works
The Root-Bernstein text states that modeling is meant to “make accessible something that is difficult to experience easily” (229). For...
Poetry Declamation: Embodied Thinking
Embodied thinking is the process of exploring a concept through movement or emotion. Empathy, a trait that many educators strive to...
For me, the concept of abstraction was far more difficult and complex than patterning or perceiving. The working definition I used was...
Patterning Part 3: Application and Reflection
The human mind seeks patterns because they help us form our understanding of the world around us. Small children, for instance, become...
Patterns Part 2: Taking It to Court
Once I had set myself the task of rethinking quote sandwiches as a method for incorporating evidence in essays, I started to consider...
Patterns Part 1: Do Quote Sandwiches Bite?
Teaching writing to middle schoolers and high school freshmen requires a number of things: patience, understanding, clarity, and patterns....